Doomsday Corner Shop
"Doomsday Corner Shop" is a game developed by "Meow store game" Studio, featuring text-based, managerial, and other core elements. The development team has moved away from a more hardcore survival approach, placing emphasis on a fast-paced management style that captivates players with the storyline itself. During the day, players assume the role of a supermarket owner, responsible for recruiting and deploying staff, collecting resources, and managing the supermarket. At night, players confront infected creatures emerging from the sea, attacking the player's supermarket camp. This necessitates strategic personnel deployment and resource gathering to construct defensive structures.
Game Introduction
Doomsday Corner Shop
The game is expected to be officially released in the first quarter of 2024, currently holding a rating of 9.2 on TapTap with 46,000 pre-orders.
Game Reviews
Meow store game currently consists of 8 members.
The producer
Li Chun, has over 16 years of experience in the gaming industry. With a background in art, he joined Aurogon in 2008 and contributed to the development of the "Gujian" single-player series. In 2014, he returned to his hometown Wuhan to embark on entrepreneurial ventures, which have continued to evolve since. The lead game designer, Qian Ren, previously participated in the development of well-known games such as "Azur Lane," "Cuisinc Dimension," and "Burst Witch."
The art director
Noodle, is a prominent independent artist in China with a current fan base of 2.2 million on Weibo. The technical lead, Monkey, has a history of involvement in the development of the client for "Audition Online," where he served as the technical director and also worked as the producer for the former game "Love Dance OL."